Been a bit of a whirlwind, starting a new job and getting
acclimated. But in honor of David Tennant coming to FanX this fall, here’s the
Tenth Doctor.
Series 2
Welcome back, Cybermen. |
Top Story: Rise of
the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
It was a close between this and The Impossible Planet/The
Satan Pit. I think the reason I liked this story the most has to do with how
the Doctor defeated the Cybermen. I wrote a longer post about it on my personal
blog, but for the sake of brevity: I got something that was powerful for me
about the power of choice (agency), pain, and the purpose of life. To me, it
was like the Cybermen's plans were analogous to Satan's plan for God's
Flop Story: Love
& Monsters
The joke of all Doctor Who episodes. It was the first
Doctor-lite episode and it had potential. However, the monster in this story
was absurd looking. Add into that Elton's flirting and manipulation of Jackie
Tyler... it was just awkward. I don't know if I know a Whovian who enjoys this
I'd love to see more of these |
Honorable Mention:
School Reunion
Back in the Third and Fourth Doctor era, Sarah Jane Smith
was a popular companion (even a favorite of David Tennant). So when she
returned for Doctor Who story, it set a great precedent for homages to Classic
Doctor Who. This story also set up for a spin-off series, "The Sarah Jane
Adventures", which started about 2 years later. I would love more episodes
like this, bringing back Classic companions for a one-off adventure.
Series 3
Ladies and gentlemen, Donna. |
Top Story: The
Runaway Bride
DONNA! I can't say enough how much I love Donna. Despite
being a Whovian Christmas tradition, I'm actually not a super big fan of many
Christmas specials. This one is the exception. First of all, we got sassy
Catherine Tate as a brilliant one-off companion (later to be a long-term
companion). She was also (and would later be) a breath of fresh air to have a
companion with no romantic attachment to the Doctor, after Rose's departure.
After such a heavy season finale, the light-hearted combination of David
Tennant and Catherine Tate left us with a delightful yuletide adventure.
Flop Story: Gridlock
The biggest problem with this story is that it was
forgettable. I have to strain my memory to remember how this episode went. Just
can't say I really enjoyed an episode, with the basis being jumping from car to
car to save Martha. On the plus side, it did include the return of the Macra,
last seen in the Second Doctor era. Also, on the plus side, this story did have
the Face of Boe, which left the "prophecy" of the Master's return.
The Master returns... |
Honorable Mention:
Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Speaking of the Master's return, the Master finally returned
in two different bodies after 10 years. Last seen against the Eighth Doctor
(previously against the Seventh Doctor), we got this three-part finale to
reintroduce this classic villain. The Toclafane were chilling and thrilling for
me and it freaked me out when I learned their origin. This story also did a
good job of wrapping up the season, pulling in elements from throughout
Martha's adventures (Harold Saxon, "You Are Not Alone", Lazarus,
Series 4
Companions, assemble! |
Top Story: The Stolen
Earth/Journey's End
To culminate the end of the Tenth Doctor's regular episodes,
the Doctor had all his allies from the past several years team up to fight the
Daleks: Donna, Martha and UNIT, Sarah Jane and her friends, Jack and Torchwood,
and Rose and her family. It made for an epic two part finale. And of course
every fan of the Doctor will remember Donna's fate... even though she won't. So
despite it being the most heart-breaking companion exit I've seen (and I've
seen almost all), it was a fulfilling end... even if I hate it.
Flop Story: Planet of
the Ood
Another, mostly forgettable episode. I liked the Ood a lot
more in "The Satan Pit". It worked a lot better. Looking back, it
kind of feels like the only purpose of this story was to set up the appearance
of the Doctor-Donna and the end of the Tenth Doctor's song. Also, I really
don't know how I feel about the passive Ood turning his master into an Ood....
that's an odd Deus Ex Machina, even for Doctor Who.
River's beginning and end |
Honorable Mention:
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
This story got the honorable mention because of the classic
introduction of River Song. It was a long-term, complicated project for us to
get River's story, since it was all out of order. Numerous fan have tried to
piece her story together from her perspective, but for us and the Doctor this
is where her story began. I loved this episode because it had multiple
mysteries layered perfectly together: the Vashta Narada, the missing people,
River Song, and Donna's disappearance.
2008-2009 Specials
As there wasn’t a new
season of Doctor Who in 2009, these four specials are often grouped together.
Wish we'd have Lady Christina again |
Top Story: Planet of
the Dead
This story was unique for Doctor Who, at least among the
specials. First off, it is the only Easter special Doctor Who has ever done (I
could have used one of those this year). Also, it involved no TARDIS travel in
getting to an alien world. As a result, the one-off companion never even
entered the TARDIS. This was my favorite among the 2008/2009 specials because
of its unique story telling. It also did a good job of leading into the Tenth
Doctor's swan song with the four-knock tease.
Flop Story: Waters of
This is one of those stories that I don't even remember the
full scope of. I remember the Doctor showing up at a Mars space base, but I
don't remember much else. It was an odd story and an odd conclusion. I get that
the Doctor was fearing his death and regeneration, but they dragged out of the
theme far too long. Previous Doctors never got a hint they were going to die,
but this trend continued for the Eleventh Doctor and the Twelfth Doctor and it
kind of bugs me.
Who is she? The Doctor's mother? |
Honorable Mention:
The End of Time
My favorite part of this was the return of the Master,
Donna, and Donna's family. The Master's fate at this point was left vague, so
it was great to see him back during the last season finale (I know we had Missy
in the meantime, but I was pleased to see the John Simms version of the Master
again). It was also nice to get a brief cameo of all of the Tenth Doctor's
cohorts before his regeneration (According to the Eleventh Doctor in the Sarah
Jane Adventures, he went to see ALL his previous companions at that time).
Rose (9th Doctor)
- Doomsday
Mickey School Reunion -
The Age of Steel
Donna The Runaway
Bride; Partners in Crime - Journey's End
Martha Smith and Jones
- Last of the Time Lords; The Sontaran Stratagem - The Doctor's Daughter
Jack Utopia - Last
of the Time Lords
Donna The Runaway
Astrid Voyage of the
Christina Planet
of the Dead
Adelaide The
Waters of Mars
Wilf The End of
Donna Noble!!! |
Favorite Companion: If
you couldn't tell by my thoughts on "The Runaway Bride", I'm a big
Donna fan. After Martha and Rose's romantic feelings for the Doctor, I liked
having a breather. Tie into all of that that Catherine Tate is a fantastic
comedian, it gave a lighter feel to the Tenth Doctor's adventures with Donna. I
also love the character development for Donna. She went from a sassy, insecure
temp to the savior of the universe. That development in seeing her own worth
inspires me. Add into all of that her tragic ending and it gives a fulfilling
(though heart-breaking) character arc.
Martha and UNIT |
Least Favorite
Companion: For the record: I don't dislike Martha. I just like her the
least. My biggest problem with Martha was that, in my opinion, she had little
character development throughout the season. She pined after the Doctor, only
to have her character development all happen off-screen in the finale. That
being said, I enjoyed her character development in the year that never was and
I enjoyed her when she returned the following season. In the end, I guess
that's my issue... I liked her more after she left the Doctor than when she was
with him.
Are you planning on meeting David Tennant this fall? What
about any upcoming Doctor Who cosplays?
The (Fifth) Doctor's daughter who played the (Tenth) Doctor's daughter who married the (Tenth) Doctor |
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