Friday, June 28, 2024

Wolverine Binge List

There’s a distinct chance that because of it’s R-rated, many of our readers aren’t planning on seeing Deadpool & Wolverine. Before seeing its trailers involving Hugh Jackman, TVA, Ant-Man, etc. I was one of them. Still not 100% sure if I’ll see it (I find Deadpool annoying, but I’m told he’s that way on purpose) but I decided I would do a Wolverine movie re-watch just in case. Of course there’s no guarantee or indication from the trailers that the Wolverine in the new movie will be the same Wolverine from the X-Men movies. Could be another Wolverine variant played by Hugh Jackman (like Patrick Stewart's Professor X variant in Multiverse of Madness). Honestly, I'm still not a fan of the X-Men movies becoming canon with the MCU, with their convoluted time travel and continuity errors. All the same, I'm here for the ride, so here's your journey through Hugh Jackman's Wolverine.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

It was the fourth X-Men movie to be released by Fox, but the first chronologically for Wolverine. This film gave us a much deeper look into the flashes of memories that Logan experienced in X2. While not popular among many fans, I enjoyed X-Men Origins. Maybe it's because I had zero expectations regarding Deadpool. Maybe it's because I love a good flashback. But I still enjoy this movie... until I start analyzing continuity errors, but that has more to do with later movies than this one.


Completely amnesiac after the events of Origins, by the time of this movie Wolverine had started calling himself Logan. After picking up Rogue as a stowaway, one thing led to another and the duo ended up at Xavier's School. This is the movie that began it all (we wouldn't be having a third Deadpool movie without the success of this one). So you can't miss this one.


Sequel to the first of course and this movie gave us glimpses into the backstory later explored in Origins, with Stryker and Canada. While Logan had his issues in the last movie, this film started Wolverine into the mix of trauma and heartbreak that would would follow him for multiple sequels and spin-offs.

X-Men: The Last Stand

As if Logan doesn't already have enough going on grieving Jean, her miraculous return, the inevitable betrayal, and the "mutant cure", this movie had to put a nice big nail in the coffin that is Logan's psyche, when forced to kill Jean. It's also the first of several Dark Phoenix adaptations that X-Men fans love to complain about.

The Wolverine

Including my preparations for this blog post, I think I've seen this movie a total of two times. So obviously it didn't leave much of an impression with me. So while Wolverine is already grieving Jean and his choice to kill her, he's not faced with the dilemma of his mortality (or lack thereof, depending on the part of the movie). Honestly, I mostly see this movie as a bridge between the original trilogy and Days of Future Past. Hadn't even seen this movie before seeing that one, so it kind of feels inconsequential. 

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Simultaneously a continuation of the X-Men trilogy/The Wolverine and a sequel to First Class, this movie remains one of my favorite X-Men movies. Kind of wish they'd have stopped here instead of continuing with the soft reboot (that started the majority of the continuity errors, in my opinion). We got the return of many beloved mutants and the introduction of Quicksilver (whose variant would be killed a year later in Age of Ultron). And with this movie's ending, we had the conclusion to the original Wolverine.


It's unclear which timeline this version of Wolverine belongs to. Is he from the sentinel's future (before they changed history) or is he from the new timeline (who was seen as Weapon X)? Or maybe a third unrelated timeline? Regardless, this R-rated film is highly praised by fans--though I was underwhelmed by it. If the Wolverine appearing in Deadpool 3 is the same Logan from previous movies, it won't be this one (just based on his age). But all the same, this movie is popular and could still be one of those multiverse branches that the TVA has dealt with. We'll probably never know for sure.

If these movies aren't enough to get you into a Wolverine mood, you can also revisit his cameo from First Class and his appearance in Apocalypse. Also relevant, in addition to Deadpool, from what we can tell in the trailers might be Loki. Especially season one. Or since Wade Wilson is going in blind to it all anyway, you could skip straight to the chaos that'll be Deadpool & Wolverine this summer.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Phone Home

I cannot remember the last time I saw the movie “E.T.” and truth be told, the last reference to this movie was probably during a visit to the Universal Studios theme park in California during High School when I went on the ride where you sit on a moving set of bicycles and travel with E.T. to/from his dying planet in an effort to save it. They had a set up where riders gave their names and at the end of the ride, E.T. is standing there calling out “thank yous” to each rider by name. It was a fun ride and it is nostalgic to remember that ride that is no longer with us. 

For me, the most memorable moment from the movie was the flying bike scene. Who can forget how E.T. pulls out his glowing finger and causes the bikes to fly! The most iconic phrase that came from this movie that I remember was “E.T. phone home.” Elliot, the little boy who found E.T., teaches him to speak a little bit and is able to determine that E.T. is trying to call home. That is guidance that continues to hold true for us today. We all need to “phone home.”

I don’t remember why E.T. wanted to “phone home,” but the fact that he wanted to highlights a desire we all can seek for, namely to call upon our Heavenly Father and share with Him whatever is on our mind. I love singing both “A Child’s Prayer” and “I Pray in Faith” with my daughter. These songs are great illustrations of how we can “phone home” to Heavenly Father and speak with Him. Here are the lyrics to “I Pray in Faith:”

“I kneel to pray ev’ry day.

I speak to Heav’nly Father.

He hears and answers me

When I pray in faith.

I begin by saying ‘Dear Heavenly Father’;

I thank him for blessings he sends;

Then humbly I ask him for things that I need,

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

I love the simplicity of the prayer structure that is outlined in the second verse. I am grateful that we can call upon Him and speak with Him about whatever is on our mind. E.T. may have referenced using a phone to call home, but we are fortunate in that we do not need a phone to call upon Heavenly Father. Another Hymn, “Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire” reminds us that prayer can be “uttered or unexpressed.”

 I loved President Jeffrey R. Holland’s April 2024 general conference talk titled, “Motions of a Hidden Fire.” President Holland recalled the prayers on his and his wife’s behalf and made it clear that even though the outcomes for him and his wife were different (President Holland being restored to life while Sister Holland passed away) prayers are always heard and answered:

“Brothers and sisters, I testify that God hears every prayer we offer and responds to each of them according to the path He has outlined for our perfection. I recognize that at roughly the same time so many were praying for the restoration of my health, an equal number—including me—were praying for the restoration of my wife’s health. I testify that both of those prayers were heard and answered by a divinely compassionate Heavenly Father, even if the prayers for Pat were not answered the way I asked. It is for reasons known only to God why prayers are answered differently than we hope—but I promise you they are heard and they are answered according to His unfailing love and cosmic timetable.”

My prayer today is that the next time we think about E.T. we will be reminded of the invitation to “phone home” and speak with our Heavenly Father. He wants to hear from us and will always answer our call.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Top 10 Best Keyblades in Kingdom Hearts

It’s been a while since I have made a Kingdom Hearts post (almost two months) so of course I decided to make another post about this beloved franchise. For this post I want to go over my top 10 favorite Kingdom Hearts Keyblades.

10. Star Seeker

Before King Mickey got his Kingdom Key D keyblade he had Star Seeker. Its design features a star motif, reflecting Mickey's role as a guiding light and protector of the worlds. It symbolizes hope, guidance, and the pursuit of knowledge, embodying the values that Mickey imparts to Sora and his friends.

9. The Gazing Eye

The only Keyblade on this list that we players cannot use (yet?), the Gazing Eye symbolizes foresight, destiny, and the manipulation of time. It represents the ability to see beyond the present and influence future outcomes, a theme that is prevalent throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. The Master of Masters' use of the Gazing Eye to predict and shape events speaks to the broader narrative of control and free will. Characters like Xehanort, who seek to reshape the world according to their vision, embody the struggle between predetermined fate and the freedom to choose one's path.

Additionally, the Gazing Eye reflects the overarching conflict between light and darkness. Its ominous appearance and association with characters who tread the line between these two forces highlight the series' exploration of moral ambiguity and the complexity of the human heart.

8. Way to the Dawn

Way to the Dawn is Riku's Keyblade, signifying his journey from darkness to light. Its design includes elements of both a bat wing and angel wing, symbolizing the duality of his past and his aspirations for redemption. It represents Riku's acceptance of his past mistakes and his resolve to forge a new path guided by the light.

7. Fenrir

Fenrir is a powerful Keyblade obtained after defeating Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II. Its design is inspired by the Fenrir motorcycle from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, featuring a mechanical, almost industrial look. Its unique design and association with one of the toughest battles in the game make it a standout Keyblade.

6. Lionheart

Since this is a list of best Keyblades I cannot mention Squalls weapon, but I can mention the Keyblade Lionheart. It is a tribute to Squall Leonhart (also known as Leon) from Final Fantasy VIII. Its sleek design, featuring a lion emblem, reflects Leon's character. It symbolizes courage and determination, traits embodied by Leon and admired by Sora.

5. Oblivion

Oblivion is a dark, edgy Keyblade often associated with Riku and the darker aspects of the Kingdom Hearts storyline. Its black and silver design, along with its high strength stat, makes it a favorite among players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle. Oblivion often pairs with the Oathkeeper Keyblade, symbolizing the balance between light and darkness, and Sora's connection to both his friends and his inner struggles.

4. Oathkeeper

The Oathkeeper is the counterpart to Oblivion, representing light and hope. Its elegant design features white and gold colors with a charm resembling Kairi's lucky charm attached to the hilt. It is a symbol of Sora's promise to return to Kairi and his dedication to protecting his friends.

3. Two Become One

Two Become One is a unique Keyblade representing Roxas, Sora's Nobody. Its design is a fusion of Oblivion and Oathkeeper, symbolizing the merging of light and darkness within Roxas. This Keyblade has the unique ability "Light & Darkness," which triggers the Drive Form transformation into either Anti Form or Final Form. It represents the duality of Roxas' existence and the struggle to find balance between conflicting aspects of identity.

2. Ultima Weapon

The Ultima Weapon is one of the most powerful Keyblades in the Kingdom Hearts series, typically obtainable only after completing extensive challenges and side quests. Its design varies slightly between games, but it consistently features an intricate, almost regal appearance with a glowing aura. The Ultima Weapon boasts high strength and magic stats, making it an ideal choice for both physical and magical combat. It symbolizes ultimate mastery and dedication, reflecting the player's commitment to the game.

1. Kingdom Key

The Kingdom Key is the iconic starting Keyblade wielded by Sora throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. Its design is simple yet memorable, resembling a classic key with a gold handle and silver blade. Despite its basic appearance, the Kingdom Key is a symbol of Sora's journey and growth. It represents the bond he shares with his friends and the light that guides him through the darkness. Its versatility and balance make it a reliable choice throughout the series.

Each Keyblade in the Kingdom Hearts series is not just a weapon but a symbol of the character's journey, values, and growth. They represent the intricate connections between light and darkness, friendship and struggle, and the unwavering resolve to protect the worlds from the forces of evil.
